Jonathan Connolly showed me some old swatches from the Connolly leather archive and one of the swatches from the 1950s was exactly what I was looking for - the issue was could he reproduce it for me in a way that we could use for luggage?
It’s notoriously hard to produce a good tan coloured leather - I always think of the hideous colour tights we had to wear at school called American tan! Or it looks orange, or it goes flat and tinged with green - or it is too precious and delicate for the job we had in mind.
Two years later and we have a beautiful dark tan Connolly leather that is exactly what I dreamt. And so, we are happy to introduce our most popular Connolly sports grip in our new dark tan. Badged and ready to roll.
And just like that, we also produced its co-driver. A new bag for him, for her - a bag that works as an everyday bag, an office bag, a handbag, a bag that looks as good carried by a man or a woman.
It has no metal work and its clean lines and design come from the automotive world it even has a white racing stripe in the red and green version…but in the new dark tan it shows why this colour works - it needs no embellishment it is incredibly practical, as hard wearing as your Connolly leather seats and as elegant as the classic car, they fit in.
- Isabel